
Lessons for African Nations from Kenya’s Recent CRA Downgrades: Insights by our CEO Daouda Sembene

Recent developments of the Big 3 credit rating agencies; Moody’s Fitch and S&P downgrading Kenya’s ratings in the past two months with,the most recent downgrade by S&P Global ratings from “B to B-”, deeming Kenya credit risky presents a grim situation for many African countries who are in similar fiscal crisis.

Our CEO Daouda Sembene unpacked what lessons these downgrades mean for African countries’ in similar fiscal suituation on a CNBC Africa Interview.


A fairer credit rating system for African countries could save billions

Making Africa’s credit ratings more objective

Sécurité Alimentaire I La Révolution Verte, Une Urgence Pour l’Afrique I Regards Croisés : Abdoul Salam Bello & Daouda Sembène