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How can African countries navigate credit ratings processes-In conversation with Raymond Gilpin
With Africa requiring an additional $1.3 trillion per year to make meaningful progress toward the...
Lessons for African Nations from Kenya’s Recent CRA Downgrades: Insights by our CEO Daouda Sembene
Recent developments of the Big 3 credit rating agencies; Moody’s Fitch and S&P downgrading Kenya’s...
UNDP Africa and AfriCatalyst host regional workshop on enhancing credit ratings for development in Africa
Addis Ababa, 3 August 2024 -- With Africa requiring an additional $1.3 trillion per year...
Reforming the Global Financial Architecture for Inclusive Development
Reforming the global financial architecture is not just important for advancing the Sustainable Development Goals...
Why Strengthening sovereign credit ratings is a collective responsibility
Expensive debt threatens to undermine Africa’s development prospects, forcing manygovernments to decide between servicing debt...
IMF Executive Board Considers External Evaluation of the Independent Evaluation Office
On July 15, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) discussed the fourth...
UNDP and AfriCatalyst host capacity building workshop in Tanzania to support ongoing efforts to secure fairer credit ratings
Dodoma, Tanzania, 10 July 2024 – With only eight years remaining to meet the 2030 Sustainable...
A fairer credit rating system for African countries could save billions
Subjectivity and bias in African credit ratings costs countries up to $24 billion in interest...
Sécurité Alimentaire I La Révolution Verte, Une Urgence Pour l’Afrique I Regards Croisés : Abdoul Salam Bello & Daouda Sembène
Dans cette interview exclusive, Abdoul Salam Bello (administrateur du Groupe Afrique II au Conseil d’administration...
Protecting Africa’s biodiversity: Africa Conservation Forum calls for stronger conservation efforts
Our CEO Daouda Sembene spoke at the first Africa Conservation Forum by IUCN which brought...
Developing credit rating solutions for Africa’s financial needs- In conversation with Raymond Gilpin
African leaders have been rooting for the overhaul of the global financial architecture citing the...
IDA’s capital crucial Role in Climate Financing: In coversation with CGTN Africa
Our CEO Daouda Sembene spoke to Ramah Nyang of CGTN Africa on what IDA's replenishment...
Highlights of the Developing Credit Ratings For Africa’s Financial Needs event in Nairobi Kenya
Developing credit rating solutions tailored to Africa’s financial needs is essential for enabling African countries...
Innovative Credit Rating Solutions for Improving Africa’s Creditworthiness -CGTN Africa
Our CEO Daouda Sembene speaks to CGTN Africa to explore why Africa needs innovative credit...
Stakeholders Convene in Nairobi to Explore Innovative Credit Rating Solutions for African Development
Nairobi, Kenya – 28 May 2024– Stakeholders, experts, development actors, and research institutes gathered in...
In conversation with TRT World – Why is Africa stuck in a debt trap?
Our CEO Daouda Sembene joined TRT World 's Enda Brady on a roundtale discussion that...