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South African currency on map

How Sub-Regional Development Banks(SRDBs) Can Contribute to the Development Financing Needs of African Countries

According to African Economic Outlook 2024, African countries need to close an annual financing gap...
WhatsApp Image 2025-02-28 at 17.27.15_4c0b86d9

Unlocking Development Financing: The Role of Sub-Regional Development Banks in Africa’s Growth

In an interview with CNBC Africa, our CEO, Daouda Sembene, discusses the significance of our...
Dollar banknotes, $100 dollar bills, money background

The Case for Local Currency Loans: How IDA Could Help Borrowers Reduce Vulnerability to Debt Crises

Many low-income countries (LICs), particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, face the challenge of repaying loans in...

Dette en Afrique : une situation alarmante et des disparités selon Daouda Sembene (Africatalyst)

Les pays en développement ont versé un montant record en 2023 pour le remboursement leur...

With the world at a crossroads, robust IDA is more critical than ever

As the International Development Association (IDA) replenishment meeting in South Korea begins today, it’s clear that, with...
Magnifying glass with US dollar banknotes on graph. Finance business and trading.

IDA 21 Pledging final meeting: African Leaders Call for Historic Commitments

Seoul, South Korea – The 21st Replenishment Pledging Conference of the International  Development Association (IDA)...
Man discusses Africa's economic challenges.

The Role of Local Curency Financing in navigating debt challenges for Low Income Countries

Check out our Senior Advisor Jean-Claude Tchatchouang, Senior Advisor, AfriCatalyst in conversation with CNBC Africa...
Man in suit and glasses, video call.

IDA Director calls for sustained contributions to fund development in Africa, beyond

The Director of Resource Mobilization for the International Development Association (IDA), Dirk Reinermann, has urged...
US and South African banknotes.

Africatalyst calls  for IDA-Led Local Currency Loans to Protect Low Income Countries from Exchange Rate Risks in new report

Dakar, 25th November- A new report by AfriCatalyst reveals that multilateral development banks (MDBs) could...
Sunset behind industrial smoke stacks.

Ahead of COP29, Africatalyst releases report on Unlocking Multilateral Development Banks’ Potential to Address Methane Emissions in Africa

Baku 12 November- As methane emissions across Africa continue to rise and existing financing falls...
Africatalyst at 2024 IMF/World Bank meetings.

AfriCatalyst amplifies its efforts on the reform of the global financial architecture at the IMF- World Bank Annual Meetings

Washington DC- In a week filled with engaging discussions and strategic collaborations  at the World...
African financial leaders posing for a photo.

The Alliance for African Multilateral Financial Institutions Call for Increased Resource Mobilization for Sustainable Development

Washington DC- With the successful implementation of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development...
Two women speaking at a conference.

Global Experts Call for Increased IDA Support Amid multiple global shocks at High-Level Event Hosted by Center for Global Development and AfriCatalyst

In a week marked by strong appeals for increased support to the International Development Association...
Audience listening to panel discussion.

Global Leaders Call for Bretton Woods Reform to Meet 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

New York City 24th September- As the world inches closer to 2030, a deadline for...
A conference about UN development in Africa.

East African Government Officials Push for Improved Credit Rating Processes and regional Cooperation at UNDP and AfriCatalyst Workshop

Government officials and stakeholders from the East African region have advocated for increased collaboration and...
Two people discussing Africa credit ratings.

How can African countries navigate credit ratings processes-In conversation with Raymond Gilpin

With Africa requiring an additional $1.3 trillion per year to make meaningful progress toward the...
Man in suit discussing finance bill withdrawal.

Lessons for African Nations from Kenya’s Recent CRA Downgrades: Insights by our CEO Daouda Sembene

Recent developments of the Big 3 credit rating agencies; Moody’s Fitch and S&P downgrading Kenya’s...
Group of people posing for a photo.

UNDP Africa and AfriCatalyst host regional workshop on enhancing credit ratings for development in Africa

Addis Ababa, 3 August 2024 -- With Africa requiring an additional $1.3 trillion per year...


How Sub-Regional Development Banks(SRDBs) Can Contribute to the Development Financing Needs of African Countries

Unlocking Development Financing: The Role of Sub-Regional Development Banks in Africa’s Growth

The Case for Local Currency Loans: How IDA Could Help Borrowers Reduce Vulnerability to Debt Crises

Dette en Afrique : une situation alarmante et des disparités selon Daouda Sembene (Africatalyst)

With the world at a crossroads, robust IDA is more critical than ever

IDA 21 Pledging final meeting: African Leaders Call for Historic Commitments

The Role of Local Curency Financing in navigating debt challenges for Low Income Countries

IDA Director calls for sustained contributions to fund development in Africa, beyond